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What is the success rate?

The success rate of  marketing or social media Campaigns can vary depending on a variety of factors such as the type of services offered, the industry, the target audience, and the competition. It's important to note that success can be defined differently by different businesses and clients, so we create concise and clear understandings of the goals and objectives for each project and campaign.

What services do you offer, and how can they help my business?

At KMA marketing, we offer a wide range of digital marketing services, including social media management, PPC advertising, SEO, email marketing, and website design. Our services are designed to help businesses of all sizes improve their online presence, generate more leads, and increase sales. We have successfully generated 30% more revenue, millions of views, and can guarantee 100% satisfaction.

Can you provide some examples of successful campaigns you have run for similar businesses'?

At KMA marketing, we have helped many businesses achieve success through our marketing strategies. For example, we recently helped a small e-commerce store increase their website traffic by 50% and boost their sales by 33.2% through a combination of SEO, social media advertising, and email marketing.

What is your process for creating and executing marketing strategies?

Our process at KMA marketing involves getting to know our clients and their businesses, conducting thorough research and analysis, developing a customized marketing strategy, implementing the strategy through various channels, and continually monitoring and optimizing the campaign to ensure maximum results.

How do you measure the success of your campaigns?

At KMA marketing, we use a variety of metrics to measure the success of our campaigns, such as website traffic, click-through rates, conversion rates, and ROI. We provide regular reports to our clients to keep them informed of the campaign's progress and adjust our strategy as needed.

How do I pay?

We operate based on our performance that way we both have skin in the game. Pay as you profit- percentages are negotiated upon consultation.
